An UrbanForm customer, a mid-sized architecture firm, emailed us last week, saying they used one of our automatically downloadable reports for a project feasibility study. They use these UrbanForm reports for every single project that comes through their door. And they found some information in our report that was wrong.

They found that on that particular property, because of its adjacency to a certain kind of zone, it was subject to a special height restriction. Something that would significantly impact the design and development potential of that site. And our report didn't catch it.
So we fed that information back into our AI engine. As of today, it's been corrected. And that sort of mistake won't ever happen again in our reports.
That's the beauty of digitizing the zoning--UrbanForm is storing and building on the knowledge and feedback of dedicated professionals who rely on this information. It's helping them do their jobs better. It's technology for better buildings and cities.