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Featured Customer: Peggy Heim of Carrier Johnson + Culture Architects

It's particularly satisfying when someone who has deep experience in architecture, and in the zoning code of a particular jurisdiction, becomes an ardent fan of UrbanForm.

Such is the case with architect Peggy Heim, currently with Carrier Johnson + CULTURE's Seattle office. Peggy is a Senior Project Manager with almost two decades of experience and is certified AIA, CPHD, and NCARB.

Carrier Johnson + CULTURE is an award-winning multidisciplinary design firm with over 80 employees in 4 offices (Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, and NYC).

So we're very pleased to feature Peggy Heim of Carrier Johnson + CULTURE as UrbanForm's Featured Customer.


Tell us a bit about your background.


I have been working as an architect in Seattle for approximately 18 years, with a primary focus multi-family housing projects. I have had the privilege of working with a diverse range of clients, including both affordable housing and market rate developers. My passion lies in working on complex, urban, transit-oriented, mixed-use projects. I find these types of projects particularly rewarding to work on because they not only contribute to the growth and development of a vibrant city, but also that they engage with the public and enhance the quality of life for its residents. Projects which offer a mix of housing options, amenities, and community spaces play a pivotal role in shaping the urban landscape and promoting a sense of community.

My passion lies in working on complex, urban, transit-oriented, mixed-use projects. I find these types of projects particularly rewarding to work on because they not only contribute to the growth and development of a vibrant city, but also that they engage with the public and enhance the quality of life for its residents.


What do you think distinguishes Carrier Johnson + CULTURE as a firm?


We offer a wide range of design services for our projects, encompassing architecture, landscape architecture, and interior design. Our involvement often begins at the project’s inception, where we play a key role in the master plan creation. Our project methodology entails familiarizing ourselves with our client’s cultural context and exploring the inherent culture of the site. We have a strong track record of excellence in handling extensive mixed-use mid-rise and high-rise residential developments. Additionally, we are experienced in working on projects in the civic, institutional, and life science sectors.


What is the project you're most proud of so far, and tell us why.

Courtesy Carrier Johnson + CULTURE


I am very excited to work on the mixed-use multi-family project we are just starting that is part of the redevelopment of the Millwright District at Port of Everett’s Waterfront Place.


How would you like to see Seattle develop as a city, and what is your dream project within Seattle?


With the city projected to experience significant population growth, it’s imperative that we diversify our housing options and increase density beyond our urban centers. My dream project would be a mixed-use, multi-family community that places a strong emphasis on providing housing for a wide spectrum of residents, from market rate to workforce and affordable housing for families.

Currently, the city’s core lacks sufficient housing options for families. Single-family homes and townhomes in Seattle are often financially out of reach for many, and there’s a shortage of three-bedroom apartments that middle-income individuals and families can comfortably afford.


How did you find out about UrbanForm?


When I joined Carrier Johnson a few months ago, I found out we had a subscription and starting using it for site research.


Can you describe how UrbanForm helps Carrier Johnson + CULTURE better achieve its firm-wide goals?


It serves as an invaluable resource for conducting rapid site research on behalf of our clients. Additionally, it provides a user-friendly platform for less experienced team members to delve into land use code research, with the potential to assist us in navigating code requirements when expanding our work into new jurisdictions.

It serves as an invaluable resource for conducting rapid site research on behalf of our clients. Additionally, it provides a user-friendly platform for less experiences team members to delve into land use code research, with the potential to assist us in navigating code requirements when expanding our work into new jurisdictions.


Can you tell us about a specific project or situation where the information provided by UrbanForm made a difference?


I have been using UrbanForm to do quick feasibility studies for new project proposals. I have also been using it when talking about potential new development sites with our clients.


How much time do you typically spend looking at the zoning code for a project? How much does UrbanForm cut that down?


It depends on the zone and the complication of the project, but I typically spend a day or more on land use code research in the early stages of a project. UrbanForm would cut that time down for the basic tasks of looking up height, FAR, and setback information. It’s also a quick tool to get site dimensions and topography, that typically requires lengthier research to acquire if we do not have a site survey.

Courtesy Carrier Johnson + CULTURE


Is there anything you would like to see UrbanForm provide in the future?


Yes! Vehicle and bike parking info, Right-of-Way dimensions, the ability to combine adjacent sites for analysis. Info on available uses by zone would be helpful, especially if you could pick the types of uses and see a more tailored analysis to those uses.


Tell us what the future holds in store for you?


I plan to keep working as an architect for the foreseeable future and I hope to be continually learning and growing in my career.


Peggy, thank you for taking the time to share your work and perspective with us. We're looking forward to supporting the work of you and Carrier Johnson + CULTURE!


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