One question we often get is where we get our data. The answer is complicated, but we always love to explain.
More importantly, we are *explicit* about where all of UrbanForm's data comes from.
Every bit of data, from many different sources, is all labeled with citations and linked with URLs.
And the data is updated as frequently as they are issued; each source with its own respective schedule and modality (e.g., via API, Municodes, quarterly via county CSV issuance, etc.).
This sourcing and updating of data is constantly being monitored.
And just as importantly, this sourcing and updating is constantly being revised.
It is part of the work that we do on behalf of all the architecture firms, developers, and builders that we are privileged to call our customers.
Part of the confusion and complexity with zoning information is that there are often many different places to find information, each with varying levels of authority and/or recency.
Without deep local experience, how do you know which is the best place to get information?
For instance, you might think that the city is the best place to get data about the city.
You might be wrong.
In fact, in our experience, you'd be wrong as often as you are right.

This is what we're going through right now with UrbanForm Seattle.
Previously, we were relying on the City of Seattle's data for information about Seattle properties. But as we've discussed with several customer firms, studied closely several properties in conjunction with our customers, and watched as the different datasets update over a period of a few years, we've learned that King County, WA actually provides better, more up-to-date information about properties in the City of Seattle.
So we're switching to that dataset.
This is knowledge that you could only have gained by knowing somebody with deep experience.
It's another "how was I suppposed to know?" moment that we're helping to eliminate by building it into UrbanForm.
Because it's our belief that more efficient access to the best zoning information possible, built with the knowledge of the most experienced professionals, will result in better buildings and cities.
That's UrbanForm.
PS. As you might be able to tell by the logo, King County, in which Seattle resides, was named after the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.